Tuesday, April 9, 2013

More Cheap Paris Art: HPrints Vintage French Ads

I'm a huge fan of vintage ads. Many days when all of the advertising we're bombarded with every day get to me, I wonder if someday I'll look back on today's ads with the kind of marvelling wonder with which I see a Bernard Villemot print from the '60s. But right now I have good news for my fellow penny-pinching vintage ad lovers: I've stumbled upon a vertitable treasure trove of vintage French ads from all decades of the 20th century. From fashion prints to old Vogue and La Vie Parisienne covers to auto and lingerie ads, HPrints has everything your vintage-loving heart desires. You can find old ads for luxury brands like Givenchy, Balenciaga, YSL and Chanel, cosmetic ads from Lancôme and Guerlain, auto ads promoting the likes of Peugeot, Citroën and Rolls Royce, even booze ads for Hennessy, Cointreau and Campari. HPrints sell only original prints, mostly from periodicals and never later reprints, so you know you're getting an authentic vintage print. And what's more: they are cheap as hell.

Okay, sorry, I honestly just got completely lost in a K-hole of vintage ads finding these few examples for you, but rest assured that there is an unimaginable wealth of gorgeous prints available at Hprints. And yes, there are vintage Bernard Villemot ads available.

And in case you go a little crazy, as we are sometimes wont to do, HPrints offers free shipping for orders over $150. Decorate your and all your friends' houses (and mine too, please). Get thee to the site, tout de suite!

(All images via HPrints)

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmm LOVE THIS.


